We have been having a little too much fun with our traffic (and other) signs. Well, maybe I am having too much fun making them… Anyway, the boys LOVE them and have played so many different games with them that … Continue reading
Boy Mama: Potty Training or Aim Practice?
Potty training sucks. I hate to say it, but I know you are all thinking it. Well, maybe some of you love it and are eagerly awaiting the day you begin while others are putting it off until the last possible moment. And still others, those who are “done,” are looking back at us all and laughing at our fear and anxieties. Well, maybe not laughing, but you get the idea.
Anyway, it is about “that time” with my youngest so I decided to do some reading about potty training boys being that I cannot remember a darn thing about how I did it with my first. I have vague memories of the potty in the living room and a stack of books about fire engines, but that is about it. I wondered (and hoped) if there might be some fantastic, new discovery in the field of potty training– perhaps someone found the magical switch on your child that you flip from “diaper “to “toilet” or that some renowned pediatrician somewhere revealed the mathematical equation that computes the exact day and time to train your child successfully in one day or less. No such luck. Pretty much most of what I found out there is what was out there back then- you know, 3 years ago when I trained my eldest. So I didn’t find anything new nor anything that made the prospect of potty training my son more desireable or exciting, but I continued reading anyway because, well, I still had hope….
Finally, after quite a bit of searching, I came across something useful. Something I could sink my teeth into. Something that could be helpful in my home. It was an article about whether to train your son to pee standing or sitting. I already know that there is no way in heck I am teaching my son to pee standing up. He is going to learn the old-fashioned way of sitting! But, what the article said next what got me and it was oh so relevant to my eldest. It was a list of ways to teach your child to AIM. Ha! Ha! That is what I need. Not information about when or how to train my youngest, but how to train my eldest to aim— at the toilet that is. I am soooo tired of cleaning up pee around the toilet and having it blamed on the dog.
So, sorry to disappoint those you who were looking for ideas about potty training boys. I apologize for not finding that magical technique or switch to make it all easier. But, what I did find may lessen your load as your son gets older and save you a little time when cleaning the bathroom!
Here it is! A list of things you can do to help your son learn to aim. Wonder if they work on the husband too… 🙂
- Have him “sink the battle ship”; use toilet targets, toilet paper, cheerios, or even ice cubes colored with food coloring and have your child aim at the battle ship.
- Change the color of the toilet water to blue by using cleaning tablets or food coloring. When he pees in it, he will see the color change to green.
- Add a little shampoo to the water and it will create bubbles as he pees.
- Let him pee outside – in the backyard, in the woods or even in the snow. Have him practice aiming at something or writing in the snow.
- Let him and his brother or father have a peeing party.
© www.boymamateachermama.com 2012
Boy Mama: Real World Word Search
Real World Word Search I did something today with my son that I have been wanting to do for a while. Today, we went on a Real World Word Search. You may now be wondering–What is a Real World Word Search? … Continue reading
Happy Mother’s Day to All Boy Mamas
Happy Mother’s Day to All Boy Mamas! Just a little something for all you boy mamas out there who read our blog. Being the mama of a boy is a wonderful, unique and fantastic journey. I hope you are enjoying … Continue reading
Boy Mama: Caution Wet Floor
My boys love those signs they put up in stores and restaurants when the floors are wet. You know the ones that say, “CAUTION WET FLOOR” with the little person falling down? They will often see them in a shop … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Around the Table ABC (Letters and Sounds)
Around the Table ABC Last night I cut out some letters for my son and threw them on the table. I was planning on thinking of a few activities we could do with the letters to practice his letter … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Teaching Your Child the Alphabet
Ideas for Teaching Your Child the Alphabet I recently had a dear friend ask me for some suggestions for helping her son recognize the letters of the alphabet. I proceeded to write a lengthy email with all my best ideas … Continue reading
Boy Mama: Alphabet Hop: A Game for Practicing Letters and Letter Sounds
Alphabet Hop Game I wanted to create a game that I could use with my son to practice letter recognition AND letter sounds. I made this simple game and it was a hit! Alphabet Hop Materials Needed: game board pages … Continue reading
Boy Mama: From Chopsticks to Pick-Up Sticks
We do A LOT of take-out and most of that take-out seems to be either Chinese and Thai food. As you may know, when you get take-out from these places, you almost always get wooden chopsticks. Over the last year, … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Workbooks- Evil or Not?
As a student training to be a teacher in the 90s, it was absolutely the most horrible thing for teachers to talk about using workbooks let alone use them in the classroom. Everything was to be authentic or real world. Activities were to be teacher-made and/or child-made. But, after teaching for 14 years I have come to believe that workbooks really aren’t as evil as I was taught. In fact, workbooks have their place in teaching, but should not be the only means by which a teacher teaches her students. As a parent, I actually welcome a workbook or two. I should preface that comment with the fact that I am pretty lucky that my son loves to work in a workbook and finds joy in completing each page and moving on to the next. Some parents do not have it that easy.
Why do I like workbooks? Well, there are several reasons. First and foremost, it offers a structure that I do not have to come up with on my own. Let’s face it, we are all busy people and those with children are even busier. Who really has time to sit down and map out your child’s mathematics instruction for the year? Workbooks do this for you. They know what a typical kindergartener learns in a school year and they provide practice with those skills. Next, it is a great way to see how your child is doing. Basic skills are practiced in workbooks and it is fairly easy- even for the “untrained” person, to look at what the expectation of each page is and see if your child can do it or cannot. You can see if they are “getting it” or are completely off base. You can see if your child is mostly grasping the concept, but has some holes that you can easily help fill. For instance, I was working in a math book with my 5 year old tonight. I knew that he he could count to ten and his work in the book showed me that. I knew he could write the numbers 1-5, but learned that 6-10 are a little iffy. Easy fix- we are now working on writing the numbers 6-10. This is pretty basic, but there is a whole lot more you can learn about your child by simply doing a few pages in workbook. Yes, you skeptics, you can accomplish the same thing with some other methods, but why reinvent the wheel when you have 5 loads of laundry to fold, a screaming toddler and dinner to make? Here are just a few basic things you can learn by using a workbook.
- 1. Can your child read and follow directions?
- 2. Does your child work from left to write and top to bottom?
- 3. Does your child speed through his work or take his time?
- 4. Is your child “getting” it or not? If so, great! If not, what is the next step?
- 5. Is your child enjoying learning?
You knew this was coming, right? Warning! How NOT to use a workbook with your child. First, do not hand your child a pencil and a workbook and leave the room. Big mistake! First off, you are placing a child in a pretty stressful situation especially if he or she is not yet a reader. Secondly, chances are she is going to do it wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I am not denying that your child is a genius, but even the “smartest” kids do workbook pages wrong when left unattended. Then what? Either you have to have your child redo it- can you say frustration? or you let it go and you have reinforced some bad habits. But, if you sit down with your child, you can help her avoid those mistakes while teaching some valuable lessons. Second, DO NOT make your child color in the lines. This is so wrong on so many levels. Think- what is the goal of this page? Making it look pretty or teaching or reinforcing a skill. I choose the latter. So, if the directions say, “Color in 10 apples” and your child doesn’t want to color all 10, let them put an “x” in each apple or a checkmark. Then ask yourself- did we accomplish the goal of the page? And, yes! will be your answer.
Finally, do not expect your child to sit down and complete 10 pages in one evening (let alone the whole book). Depending on your child’s age, developmental level and interest level, the number of pages completed in one sitting varies. With my son, I aim for one page a night, but he is motivated and wants to do more so we do, but when he is done, we are done! I want him to enjoy learning not dread it. Third, do not try to force your child into the next level workbook. Take your time. If it is too easy, well great! Your child is practising some skills. If it is too hard, well then you know you have some teaching to do. Do not let the words on the front cover rule you. If it says ages 4-6 that is a suggestion not a hard and fast rule. Next, don’t worry about spelling in a math book and don’t worry about handwriting in a reading workbook UNLESS that is the goal of the page. You will find some pages in a math book that are intended for practicing the formation of the numerals, but be very clear on the goal of the page and do not add another layer of possible frustration where it does not need to be. Finally, don’t “grade” the book. Give your child a star or happy face no matter how “well” or “not well” he did. It is about effort, learning and time spent together.
Teacher Mama: Creating Sight Word Books
Creating Sight Word Books One of the best ways to teach children to read is, of course, to have them read. When they are in the very early stages of reading, there are not that many books out there that … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Short Vowel Flip Book
Short Vowel Flip Book This is one of my very favorite short vowel activities. I will preface that by saying I did NOT invent this idea. You will find it all over the web in variety of forms and formats. … Continue reading