FREE Fall Alphabet Mazes I love mazes and so do a lot of kids. I wanted to create a maze that had a more academic component so I made these FREE Fall Alphabet Mazes. Give your student a pencil (or … Continue reading
FREE Fall Alphabet Mazes I love mazes and so do a lot of kids. I wanted to create a maze that had a more academic component so I made these FREE Fall Alphabet Mazes. Give your student a pencil (or … Continue reading
Bottle Caps ABCs Many thanks to my local Starbucks for collecting all these caps for me. If you are interested in trying these activities or Bottle Cap Math, ask your local coffee shop to save some for you! Bottle Caps … Continue reading
I love finding something in an office supply store, taking it home, giving it to my boys and then watching what they do with it. I gave my youngest a few pads of sticky notes the other day and he … Continue reading
Word Family Practice Tube There I was– faced with another empty container that I just couldn’t throw away. It was calling to me– “Make me into something wonderful.” I answered, “I will!” And then walked away thinking what the heck … Continue reading
Around the Table ABC Last night I cut out some letters for my son and threw them on the table. I was planning on thinking of a few activities we could do with the letters to practice his letter … Continue reading
Ideas for Teaching Your Child the Alphabet I recently had a dear friend ask me for some suggestions for helping her son recognize the letters of the alphabet. I proceeded to write a lengthy email with all my best ideas … Continue reading
Alphabet Hop Game I wanted to create a game that I could use with my son to practice letter recognition AND letter sounds. I made this simple game and it was a hit! Alphabet Hop Materials Needed: game board pages … Continue reading
Creating Your Own Dice for Learning In a previous post I introduced some math games involving the use of dice. As I stated then, the possibilities for learning with dice are endless, but not everyone wants to go out and … Continue reading