Book Mama: Giveaway! Toon Books: Comic Books for Beginning Readers

Giveaway! Toon Books: Comic Books for Beginning Readers TOON Books are leveled to be just right for early readers and to entice reluctant readers. Explore our Level One, Level Two, and Level Three books to find the perfect titles for the children in your life. Check out … Continue reading

Book Mama: Books for St. Patrick’s Day

Books for St. Patrick’s Day Here are a few of our favorite stories for St. Patrick’s Day. Hope you like them, too! Note:  All these books and more are now available through BMTM’s aStore. Click here for more information. Fin M’Coul: The … Continue reading

Book Mama: Children’s Book Illustrator Extraordinaire, Tom Slaughter

Children’s Book Illustrator Extraordinaire, Tom Slaughter Looking for a great gift? Look no further than these books illustrated (and some written) by children’s book illustrator extraordinaire, Tom Slaughter. Note:  All these books and more are now available through BMTM’s aStore. … Continue reading

Boy Mama Teacher Mama: The ABCs of Raising Boys

 ABCs of Raising Boys I am excited to be joining almost 75 other kid bloggers from around the world in the Kid Blogger Network’s ABC Series. Each participating blogger created their own ABCs of a topic of their choice. I … Continue reading