2 Tally Mark Card Games We will be spending a lot of time on tally marks at the beginning of the school year this year. Tally marks are fun and kids love to use them. These are two games … Continue reading
2 Tally Mark Card Games We will be spending a lot of time on tally marks at the beginning of the school year this year. Tally marks are fun and kids love to use them. These are two games … Continue reading
Skip Counting Craft Skip counting was on the agenda this week. My first graders are pretty good with it already thanks to our fantastic kindergarten teachers, but I wanted to do a few activities anyway. The first idea was this skip … Continue reading
Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game I created this card game to help my students practice the concept of +1/-1. After creating this game, I added in a +5/-5 game and a +10/-10 game as well. Played this with my … Continue reading
Five Little Scarecrows Rhyme and Craft I have shared quite a few Five Little Rhymes on BMTM over the past few years. And because of my latest fascination with scarecrows, I have added another one to the collection. Five Little … Continue reading
Superfriend Vowels Sometimes when I am teaching, ideas come to me at the last minute or as I am speaking to my students. This happened the other day when I was talking to my kids about consonants and vowels. … Continue reading
2 Books about Tally Marks I was looking for books about using tally marks. There really are not that many out there. Note to self: write a book about using tallies 😉 I did, however, come across two books that … Continue reading
Ten Frame Bingo Another ten frame game for you all! Loving this game I created last night for my first graders. Each student created their own ten frame bingo board, we grabbed some bingo chips and played several rounds … Continue reading
Books about Fractions There are so many wonderful books available today that address math concepts. Here are a handful of books about fractions! Fraction Fun by David Adler A simple and fun way to teach kids about fractions using everything … Continue reading
Number Bonds Eggs I am so excited about this post! It is that time of year to teach my firsties about number bonds. Number bonds are not always the easiest concept for 6 and 7 year olds to grasp so I … Continue reading
Make a Ten Train Game Being able to recognize and make tens is an essential skill for building other higher level math skills. Here is a game I created recently for practice with making 10s. Materials for Preparation templates scissors printer … Continue reading
FREE Number Word Signs I spent all of last week attending pre-school year meetings and setting up my classroom. I tend to completely redo my classroom each year simply because I get bored of the way it looks after a … Continue reading
Games for Counting Coins Notes: All templates have been updated! Counting coins is a big part of learning about money. My students don’t formally get lessons on counting coins until much later in the school year. I feel strongly that … Continue reading