POTHOLES! A Game for Practicing Math Facts Every town has potholes, but our potholes seem to be really bad. Bad enough that one of our local free papers, searches out the worst of the worst and photographs them for each issue. … Continue reading
POTHOLES! A Game for Practicing Math Facts Every town has potholes, but our potholes seem to be really bad. Bad enough that one of our local free papers, searches out the worst of the worst and photographs them for each issue. … Continue reading
Math Fact Practice: Doubles This week we have been learning about different strategies for adding numbers. Today’s lesson was about adding doubles. You may (or may not) wonder why students should understand the concept of doubles or adding a number … Continue reading
Math Facts Practice Box BMTM’s Sight Word Practice Box has been such a hit that I decided to create a similar tool kit for practicing math facts. I am really excited to share this with you all and hope you … Continue reading
Helping Hands for Skip Counting I was going through my boxes of teaching materials from my pre-kids teaching career. Oh, if you didn’t know, I have returned to the classroom after 6 years off to be home with my boys. … Continue reading
7 Uses for a Pringles Can For those of you who have been following Boy Mama Teacher Mama for a while probably figured out that I have a thing for Pringles’ cans. Not sure why, but something about them appeals … Continue reading
7 Uses for a Pringles Can For those of you who have been following Boy Mama Teacher Mama for a while probably figured out that I have a thing for Pringles’ cans. Not sure why, but something about them … Continue reading
FREE Number Line I have found a number line to one of the most valuable tools to help students with math. I have always had a number line taped to my students’ work area so they have it handy when … Continue reading
A Place Value Game for the Classroom Note: Templates have been updated as of November 2016! This is cool. I am really excited about this game I created. I actually made it last night at 11pm after finishing my student … Continue reading
Addition Facts Practice Pack I created this one out of a need. My students need more practice with basic math facts. I wanted to steer away from worksheets so I created this practice pack. I wanted to have something on … Continue reading
Conversation Hearts Math for the Classroom or Homeschool I had way too much fun creating these Conversation Hearts math activities! I have included 6 different games for varying ages. If you are interested in seeing the table of contents, I … Continue reading
Penguin Activities: A Round-Up from Boy Mama Teacher Mama I decided to finish up my penguin series of posts with a round-up of posts from around the web. Here are just some of the great penguin posts out there. Enjoy! … Continue reading
Number Sense Games Developing Number Sense I have learned more about the importance of number sense this year than ever before. If a child does not have a sense about how much is 1 or how much is 5, they … Continue reading