My 3 year old is really into cutting and gluing lately. I have gone through 3 bottes of Elmer’s Glue and more paper than I would like to know within the last week or so. I am more than happy … Continue reading
My 3 year old is really into cutting and gluing lately. I have gone through 3 bottes of Elmer’s Glue and more paper than I would like to know within the last week or so. I am more than happy … Continue reading
Tiny Little Fly Michael Rosen is an incredible children’s book author. He has written some of the best books out there including one of our favorites, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. While at the bookstore the other day, we came … Continue reading
My son has about 10 sight words to work on each week. And, each week, we write them out on colored paper, cut them out and hang them on the wall by his bedside. We read the words each night … Continue reading
Sometimes the simplest things are the best. My son was given a Police Kit for his third birthday from a dear friend. The kit in general was a HUGE hit for both my boys. My older son loves all the … Continue reading
I saw this great idea on Learn with Play @ Home and had to try it with my boys. I decided to do it in the tub so the boys wouldn’t have to worry about spilling and I would have … Continue reading
Those of you with more than one child- do you ever feel like child #1 got to do everything and child #2 (or 3 or 4….) gets the short end of the string? My eldest had swimming lessons, music class, … Continue reading
Activities for the Olympics My son came home from school yesterday all full of excitement about the Olympics. Little did he know that I had been planning a few things for us to do at home to prepare for the … Continue reading
Bottle Caps ABCs Many thanks to my local Starbucks for collecting all these caps for me. If you are interested in trying these activities or Bottle Cap Math, ask your local coffee shop to save some for you! Bottle Caps … Continue reading
I have been saving bottle tops from the milk lately. I didn’t know why until the other day when it hit me– another great way to practice math skills! So, I took out my beloved Sharpie (How much do you … Continue reading
Well, Shiver-Me-Timbers! It’s the Octonauts! My boys love the Octonauts. They love the tv show, the characters and the books. But they love playing Octonauts above all. That is why I created toilet paper tube Octonauts for my sons. … Continue reading
We are still on break from school and still in crafting mode. I read about painting sticks on a blog and thought, hey my kids love sticks and they like painting. Maybe we should give it a try! On our … Continue reading
A Trashy Celebration: A Garbage Truck Birthday Today we celebrated my son’s 3rd birthday. For the past few months he has been saying that he wants to be a “trash can guy” when he grows up. He loves watching the … Continue reading