My Magic Dreidel FREE Printable UPDATED TEMPLATE NOW AVAILABLE This is one of my most favorite books to read during Hanukkah and children love it as well. This is a fun way to use this book in the classroom or … Continue reading
My Magic Dreidel FREE Printable UPDATED TEMPLATE NOW AVAILABLE This is one of my most favorite books to read during Hanukkah and children love it as well. This is a fun way to use this book in the classroom or … Continue reading
Spider’s Dreidels: A Hanukkah Counting Book Hanukkah is almost here and we have created this fun dreidel counting book to use with your students. Children practice colors and counting to eight while sticking or stamping dreidels. Directions for making the … Continue reading
Foil Dreidel Collage I am really excited to be one of the activity designers at The Studio. Here is one of my latest ideas shared on the site. We made this collage with some foil paper we found at the … Continue reading
Five Little Dreidels Just came across this rhyme for Hanukkah! Making the dreidels is rather simple and they end up so pretty! Materials silver and blue sparkly craft paper dreidel template (from empty cereal box) scissors pencil To Make the … Continue reading