Books that Inspire Art I came across this post the other day, Picture Books to Inspire Children’s Art by Stacy Loscalzo on the site the Artful Parent. I immediately ordered the books and they arrived yesterday. To say my boys and I … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Math Exploration Box Part Two– How To Use It
Math Exploration Box Part Two– How To Use It Recently, Boy Mama Teacher Mama shared a post called, Teacher Mama: Math Exploration Box which describes how to create a math exploration box to use with your child. Today, we will share … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Math Exploration Box
When my son first became interested in numbers and counting, I quickly jumped into teacher mode and created a “Math Exploration Box” which he could explore on his own or we could work on together. With young children, the most … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Egg Carton Random Number Generator
Egg Carton Random Number Generator I have this plastic (see through) egg carton left over from chocolate Easter Eggs. I have been saving it because I knew that it had potential to be something- someday. I also had a bunch … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Learning Handwriting with the Handwriting House
Handwriting House As children learn how to form letters, some structure and guidance is necessary. Many children first begin writing on blank paper which is totally fine. They then typically move on to the paper with a top and bottom … Continue reading
Boy Mama: Love Affair with Legos
Okay, I have fallen in love. No, not with another human, but with my sons’ Legos. My big brother had Legos growing up, but they were off limits to me which, at the time, seemed incredibly unfair, but in reality, … Continue reading
Place Value Practice with a Flip
Place Value Practice with a Flip The other day’s post about Place Value was just the beginning! Here are the directions for making a Place Value Flip Book. We have a store bought version of this book which we … Continue reading
Teacher Mama: Place Value Primer
Place Value Primer I am embarrassed to say that I did not understand Place Value until I had to teach it. I could go through all the steps and answer all the questions, but the meaning behind it? I … Continue reading
Boy Mama: Fears and Lightning
I have very vivid memories of thunderstorms from growing up in the midwest. The sky always turned an eerie colour, the winds changed and the air even smelled different. If a storm occurred during the day, we would go about our normal business, stopping only to be amazed by the brilliant flashes of lightning and the enormous almost earth-shaking booms of thunder. But if a storm happened at night, well, that was a different story. With the darkness, came fear or those brilliant flashes and loud booms. I remember laying in my bed, covers pulled tightly to my chin, my pillow draped over my eyes and surrounded by stuffed animals as the thunderstorm raged with full force. And, on those nights, when the pillow, blankets and stuffed animals were not enough to soothe me, the only thing that did work, was to make my way to my mom’s bed and the safety she offered. The problem there was that I had to get from my room, through the connecting bathroom to her room. Normally this would be no problem, but during a storm, it presented a huge problem. I had to figure out how exactly to get out of my bed and into her bed between cracks of thunder. I remember laying there thinking, “Okay, now! Go!” but I had waited just one moment too long or the storm was too bad and there was another crash and I had missed my opportunity. Then, just as if by luck, I would throw the covers back, grab my pillow and a stuffed animal or two and make the mad dash to my mom’s bed where she would put her arm around me and all my fears of the storm would fade into a deep sleep.
Thunderstorms are a common weather event here. I cannot even count how many evenings I have stayed awake watching the lightening streak the sky and light up the city. The fear I once had is now gone and what is left now is fascination. I am amazed by the power and force of the storm. How it commands attention and lures you into its web. I made a decision that I was not going to allow my sons to fear the storm as I did when I was younger. Instead, I was going to instil in them that fascination and awe that I now have. So, on nights when the skies are lighting up, we cuddle up in bed, turn off the lights and watch the light show. We high five at the really big ones and boo and hiss when we miss seeing a big strike or one is hidden behind a nearby skyscraper. We talk about each strike as if it is a friend and I answer each one of their questions as best I can.
My sons are now just as intrigued by the storms as I am and I am so pleased. This time together is like a secret we share and I cherish that time so much. As I watch them watch the storm, listen to the stories they have to tell and answer their questions, I envision them grown up with a child (or two) cuddled up in bed enjoying the amazing light show that nature has to offer.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
There was another huge storm today. The day began with blue skies and comfortable temperatures, but as the day progressed, the temperature dropped, the blue skies disappeared and cold, grey clouds moved in. As we walked home from school with the rain just beginning to fall, we decided that today was the perfect day to make a Thundercake. The recipe for Thundercake comes from Patricia Polacco’s book by the same title. It is a wonderful story of a young girlwho is afraid of thunderstorms. Her grandmother knows of her granddaughter’s fear and asks her to help her make a Thundercake to distract her from the storm. The ingredients have to be gathered, the batter prepared and the cake has to be in the oven before the storm arrives. The grandmother’s plan works, the girl learns not to fear the storm and they enjoy the cake as the thunder rumbles above.
© Boy Mama Teacher Mama 2012
All Rights Reserved
Boy Mama: Getting There is Half the Battle
So, every Wednesday morning I clip the reminder on his bag so he knows where to go after school. Then when he gets home in the afternoon, I take it off and put it aside for the next week.
1. Print the words, “After School Care Today” on a piece of white paper. Or whatever words you choose.
2. Cut the paper into the desired shape. I created a star.
3. Glue the white shape onto a heavier piece of colored cardstock or cardboard and cut it out again leaving a small amount of the colored paper showing around the edges.
4. Cover the back and front with clear packing tape so it doesn’t rip.
5. Punch a hole in it and tie it onto the zipper or on a clip on the backpack.
Related ideas:
Here is another reminder tag I made for my son. Karate takes place during recess time and if I am not there to remind him to go, he won’t remember! So, I place this reminder tag on his backpack or on his lunch box so he doesn’t miss class.
I created this name card for his backpack as well as just in case it goes missing. This goes on the clip and stays there!
© Boy Mama Teacher Mama 2012
Teacher Mama: Number Practice Tube
Number Practice Tube Okay, I had another Pringles (smaller) can and you know how I cannot resist the temptation. I think I am well on my way to a post called, “25 Things You Can Do with a Pringles Can!” … Continue reading
Books about Dogs
Books About Dogs Well those of you who know me knew this would come up at sometime and that time is here. Not only am I a Boy Mama, I am also a Dog Mama- to be more specific a … Continue reading