Teacher Mama: 9 Freebies for Halloween and the After School Linky

Boy Mama Teacher Mama | 9 Freebies for Halloween

9 Freebies for Halloween  For the last 4 Fridays, BMTM has been giving away a Halloween freebies. This week, I am putting them all together in one post and throwing in a few extras just because.  Simply click on the … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: Spider Web Sight Words and After School Linky

Boy Mama Teacher Mama | Spider Web Sight Words

Spider Web Sight Words It must be Halloween season because that is all that is on my mind! I thought a fun way to practice sight words would be to make them into Spider Web Sight Words Cards and to hang … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: 3 Punctuation Games for Children and After School Linky

3 Punctuation Games for Children and After School Linky

3 Punctuation Games for Children and After School Linky Teaching about periods and exclamation marks are big right now in our first grade class as we learn how to write a good sentence. While many of my students understand these … Continue reading

Book Mama: FREE Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Card Game (Virtual Book Club for Kids)

Boy Mama Teacher Mama: FREE Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Card Game

FREE Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Card Game and The Virtual Book Club for Kids Blog Hop There are way too many wonderful Bill Martin Jr. books out there and it was so hard to choose just one book to focus … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: 5 Simple Game Boards for Sight Word Practice and After School Linky

5 Simple Game Boards for Sight Word Practice  and After School Link Up I love my class this year. Well, I love my class every year, but this year is especially exciting because they are what I call “true” first … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: Vowels and Consonants: A Graphing Activity {After School Linky}

Vowels and Consonants: A Graphing Activity and Game Knowing the difference between a vowel and a consonant is important for reading and writing.  This week in my first grade classroom, we spent a lot time learning about the differences between … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: 12 Teaching Tools for Back to School

Boy Mama Teacher Mama | 12 Teaching Tools for Back to School

12 Teaching Tools for Back to School As you may or may not know, I am returning to teaching for my first full year later this month. I covered a maternity leave last year so I was was not there … Continue reading