Boy Mama: The PBS Guide to Understanding and Raising Boys

I was just looking around on the internet for information about brain research and boys when I came across this site from PBS called, “The PBS Guide to Understanding and Raising Boys.” It is one of the most comprehensive and parent friendly sites I have found. The site “introduces you to the inner world of boys,” provides a great deal of  information as well as strategies for raising boys to be successful in school and beyond.

Check it out at

From a Boy’s Point of View

Robert Baden Powell, one of the founding fathers of the Scout movement said simply, “See things from a boy’s point of view.” This is exactly what I do everyday as a mother of two small boys.  From the moment I wake up until I lay down again, I try to see things from my boys’ point of view. I am also a teacher by trade.  While I no longer teach in a school, I am now responsible for the the two most important students I have ever had– my sons. Our classroom is not limited to four walls of a school building nor does our day end at 3 pm- together we explore the world in which we live and make great discoveries along the way. This blog is dedicated to all the educators and parents who do their very best everyday to see things from a boy’s point of view.