How easily can you recall the answers to basic math facts? If someone were to say to you, “What is 6×9?” How long would take you to figure out the answer? Now imagine being a third grader and your class … Continue reading
How easily can you recall the answers to basic math facts? If someone were to say to you, “What is 6×9?” How long would take you to figure out the answer? Now imagine being a third grader and your class … Continue reading
Giant Clock for Teaching Time I thought a giant clock would be a good tool for teaching children about clocks and time so I designed one for my family. I thought it would be great to get my son moving … Continue reading
O’Clock Cards Here is a set of cards I created for working with my son on “O’Clock” times. Print the template, cut out the cards and then use them to play one or more of the games listed below. Templates … Continue reading
A Homemade Teaching Clock My son has recently become interested in telling time. I can tell by some of the things he has said that they have touched on it at school, but that is about all. So I … Continue reading
MathStart Books from Stuart J. Murphy I LOVE stories that combine reading with, well, just about anything, but the books that combine reading and math are of particular interest to me. As a not-so confident math student growing up to … Continue reading
Days of the Week Slide I am working on the days of the week with my son. I wanted to provide him with something very visual and something he could manipulate, so I created this Days of the Week Slide. … Continue reading
Activities for the Olympics My son came home from school yesterday all full of excitement about the Olympics. Little did he know that I had been planning a few things for us to do at home to prepare for the … Continue reading
FREE NUMBER LINE NOW AVAILABLE, CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION! Number Line Fun Number lines come in all different forms. Some go only to 10 while others to 20 or even more. Some are meant to hang on the wall, … Continue reading
I have been saving bottle tops from the milk lately. I didn’t know why until the other day when it hit me– another great way to practice math skills! So, I took out my beloved Sharpie (How much do you … Continue reading
“Next, Ma fashioned two great pie crusts. Then the Brindles began to toss every sweet thing they could find into an enormous mixing bowl…Pa shoved the pie into the oven and slammed the door. Quickly he turned the oven dial … Continue reading
Place Value Practice Tube with FREE TEMPLATE Since you already have the Pringles or “practice tube” ready to go, here is a way to use it to help your child with Place Value. This is very similar to the Place … Continue reading
I love finding something in an office supply store, taking it home, giving it to my boys and then watching what they do with it. I gave my youngest a few pads of sticky notes the other day and he … Continue reading