8 Space Writing Activities for the Classroom We just finished our unit on Space which is always a favorite for first graders. This year I introduced a lot more writing into our unit and wanted to share them all with … Continue reading
8 Space Writing Activities for the Classroom We just finished our unit on Space which is always a favorite for first graders. This year I introduced a lot more writing into our unit and wanted to share them all with … Continue reading
Simple Space Words Book We recently began our space unit with our first graders. There is so much to know and the information is constantly changing. We wanted to give our first graders some background knowledge before beginning the study. … Continue reading
Paper Rockets from Picklebums My son has been on holiday from school for the past two weeks and I have been trying out a bunch of new activities that I found on various blogs. I came across this idea on … Continue reading
Jet Pack…An Unintentional Post I had no intention of writing about this. This project was just supposed to be one of those things the boys and I do together, snap a few pictures for the relatives and leave it at … Continue reading
10, 9, 8…. BLAST OFF! A Counting Backwards Activity My son has been very interested in rockets lately. He has been drawing pictures of them and building them with his Legos. He is not so interested, though, that he wants … Continue reading