FREE Roll and Tally Doubles Game I am always looking for ways for practicing basic math facts and more specifically doubles facts. I created this easy to use and play game to help my students practice these facts. All … Continue reading
FREE Roll and Tally Doubles Game I am always looking for ways for practicing basic math facts and more specifically doubles facts. I created this easy to use and play game to help my students practice these facts. All … Continue reading
I Have…Who Has? Doubles Game I love the I Have….Who Has? games and kids love them as well. We have shared quite a few of them here on BMTM and in our TPT store. Today we are sharing an I … Continue reading
FREE Doubles Roll and Cover Game Doubles are an important set of facts for children to learn simply because they come up over and over and they are great for helping students solve related facts. For example, if a child … Continue reading
FREE Doubles and Doubles +1 Printables UPDATED TEMPLATES NOW AVAILABLE!!! Doubles and Doubles +1 Cards Doubles facts are important for students to know to help them solve other math problems. If a student knows 5+5 is 10, then they can … Continue reading