Tiny Little Fly, Back Again Michael Rosen’s book, Tiny Little Fly, has made a come back in our house. My youngest fell in love with this book a few years ago and, as often happens, he moved onto another favorite. … Continue reading
Tiny Little Fly, Back Again Michael Rosen’s book, Tiny Little Fly, has made a come back in our house. My youngest fell in love with this book a few years ago and, as often happens, he moved onto another favorite. … Continue reading
Books about the Circus We just finished our circus unit at school and I will tell you it was phenomenal. I could write a series of posts on all the things we did including creating our own circus, but will … Continue reading
Help for Letter Reversals Letter reversals are on my mind right now as I just finished writing report cards for my first graders. I thought it may be on some of your minds as well this week! So, here is … Continue reading
Letter Reversals Bingo I am always looking for ways to help my son and my students practice writing and identifying letters that are commonly reversed correctly. In an earlier post, Games for Letter Reversals, I shared a few games for … Continue reading
Place Value Counting Strips Place Value Counting Strips were new to me until just the other day when a colleague introduced them to me. What a wonderful teaching tool! The minute I saw the idea, I knew I had to … Continue reading
Pajama Day Books! Pajama Day is right around the corner in our school. I have a bunch of writing activities all set to go, my pajamas picked out and now I even have a list of pajama day books to … Continue reading
Homophone Practice To Too Two My students are having a hard time with the homophones to, too and two. While not unexpected in first grade, we are working on it. I always find that a game is a great way … Continue reading
Skills Practice Tube Don’t know about you, but I have about 12 empty salt containers sitting in my craft closet. I have a few ideas for them, but thought of this one in the middle of the night last night. … Continue reading
FREE Printable Valentines As a teacher, I am always looking for cute Valentines to give my students for Valentine’s Day. While browsing Pinterest the other day, I came across this adorable idea from a variety of different sources. I decided … Continue reading
Egg Carton Games for Developing Number Sense I am still on my developing number sense kick. These games have not only been fun to create, but have really helped my own son in developing his number sense. Here is a … Continue reading
Valentine’s Day Crafts and Activities Only a few more days until Valentine’s Day. Are you ready? Have you created that special craft or prepared the Valentines for your child to take to school. Or, are you a teacher looking for … Continue reading
FREE Olympic Medal Count Tally Sheet Looking for a fun and easy way to keep the kids involved in and excited about the Olympics? Here is a FREE Olympic Medal Count Tally Sheet. Print it out, choose 5 countries to … Continue reading