Teaching the Magic e

I loved teaching my students about the silent e or magic e. I liked the term magic e because it made teaching (and learning) about it more fun. Here are a few of my favorite activities.
But before we begin, a reminder…
When the silent e or magic e appears at the end of a word such as in the word “cane,” the vowel that precedes the magic e (in this case a) changes from a short vowel sound to a long vowel sound. One way to explain this to children is: “When you add the magic e to a word, it makes the vowel that comes before say its own name.”
Magic e Wand
- templates
- glue
- popsicle stick
- glitter
- scissors
Create the Magic e Wand: Print the template (one per child). Have each child use glue and glitter to decorate their wands. When they are dry, cut out the star and glue it to a popsicle stick. See below:
Using the Wand: Print the word template below. Cut them out. Choose a card and have a student read it. Then put the Magic e wand at the end of the word and have the student read the new created word. Repeat with the other words. This can be done as a whole group, partner or individual activity.
Magic e Word Flaps
Preparing the Magic e Word Flaps: Print the templates and cut them apart horizontally. Fold each strip along the line between the e and the word.

Using the Magic e Flaps: Show students the flaps folded and have them read the word. Then unfold the card, and have them read the word again.

Magic e Silly Sentences
- templates
- pencil
- markers, crayons or colored pencils
- list of words with magic e
- scissors
- stapler
Preparing the Magic e Silly Sentence Book: Print out the template for each child or each set of partners.
Making the Book: Provide the students with a set of word cards (above) and their magic e wands. Allow them to practice making magic e words then choose 4 sets of words to use in their book. Have them use the the words to write 4 silly sentences. See the sample book below.
Putting the Book Together: After students have written their sentences and illustrated their work, cut the pages apart and put the book together.
Real and Nonsense Magic e Words
- templates (word cards and record sheet)
- word cards
- Magic e wands
Preparing the Game: Cut a set of word cards for each student or pair. Give each child or partnership a set of the cards and a record sheet.
To Play: Have them place the cards words down. Students choose a card and read it as is. Then add the magic e with the wand and read the word again. If the word is the real word, they students should record it on the “real word” column or if it is a nonsense word, it should be recorded in the “nonsense word” column.
These activities are available at the following link:
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I use the word magic too, so much fun when it’s magic x
Funny, I’d never thought of it like this – but what a great approach to learning ‘e’
ahhh the Magic ‘e’ 😀 Always my favourite rule to teach the kids. I love when you see it click and they have that aha! moment.
Oh my goodness, you have so many awesome ideas. I love this!! Thank you and off to pin now. 🙂
These look great! I always called it the silent or bossy e but you’re right. The magic e sounds good!! 🙂
I called it the “magic e” too. Much more fun 🙂 Thanks so much for these resources. Pinning this away to use when I return to the classroom. 🙂
Steph, where do you find the time to create this stuff? Honestly, every week you have a new amazing post to help my girls learn plus awesome resources to go along with it. You rock!
More lovely ideas for my classroom, thank you. Pinned it.