Boy Mama: Boys and Nature and the Nature of Boys

Sticks. Dirt. Dig. Dump. Dig. That is what it is about for my boys.  We spent hours each week in the park across the street digging in the dirt and playing with sticks.  We use our plastic construction trucks from Walgreens (these are the BEST by the way) digging holes, lifting a load, dumping that load into the dump truck over and over again.  And the sticks, who knew there were so many uses for them– digging, scraping, swatting, building, sweeping, writing, piling- you name it, we have done it with a stick.  I sit with them and try to see what they see.  There is a whole world going on. For my 2.5 year old, it is mostly the action of using the digger to pick up the dirt, to dump it into the truck and then to dump that load to the ground.  He does it in such a slow, methodical manner as if every millimeter he moves is vitally important.  My 5 year old, on the other hand, is telling a story. Whether it is an intricate story of the happenings at a construction site or a simple story of a digger doing its job, it completely becomes his world for that moment in time.  I do enjoy digging with them for a while. It is fun to get down into the dirt and to feel the earth in my hands. But my story is not the same as either of the boys’ stories. My story is simply being with my boys.

From a Boy’s Point of View

Robert Baden Powell, one of the founding fathers of the Scout movement said simply, “See things from a boy’s point of view.” This is exactly what I do everyday as a mother of two small boys.  From the moment I wake up until I lay down again, I try to see things from my boys’ point of view. I am also a teacher by trade.  While I no longer teach in a school, I am now responsible for the the two most important students I have ever had– my sons. Our classroom is not limited to four walls of a school building nor does our day end at 3 pm- together we explore the world in which we live and make great discoveries along the way. This blog is dedicated to all the educators and parents who do their very best everyday to see things from a boy’s point of view.