Teacher Mama: Teaching Fractions with Pizza

Teaching Fractions with Pizza  This month during our student-led conferences, my students set 2 goals- a behavior goal and a learning goal. One of my student’s goals was to learn about fractions. In past years, I always made “fraction pizzas” … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: What’s the Number? A Place Value Guessing Game

Boy Mama Teacher Mama | What's the Number? A Place Value Guessing Game

What’s the Number? A Place Value Guessing Game This is a fantastic game to help children with place value.  Here’s how…. Materials templates (click here for more details or to purchase templates) scissors glue contact paper or lamination dry erase … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: FREE Earth Day Activities {After School Linky}

FREE Earth Day Activities Earth Day is a little less than a month away, Tuesday, April 22, 2014 to be exact and I am trying to be ahead of the game by preparing for Earth Day.  I have gathered all … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: Number of the Day Activity Pack {After School Linky}

Number of the Day Activity Pack UPDATED!!!   A few years ago, BMTM shared  Number of the Practice Sheets for Second Graders. Today we are sharing another Number of the Day Activity Set for First Graders although it could be used … Continue reading

Book Mama: Tiny Little Fly, Back Again {After School Linky}

Tiny Little Fly, Back Again Michael Rosen’s book, Tiny Little Fly, has made a come back in our house. My youngest fell in love with this book a few years ago and, as often happens, he moved onto another favorite. … Continue reading

Teacher Mama: Help for Letter Reversals {After School Linky)

 Help for Letter Reversals Letter reversals are on my mind right now as I just finished writing report cards for my first graders.  I thought it may be on some of your minds as well this week! So, here is … Continue reading