Teacher Mama | Ten Frame Addition Game

Ten Frame Addition Game

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Ten Frame Addition Game (featured)

We use Math in Focus/Singapore Math in the school where I teach. Many of the games I create are specifically made to supplement the program. Recently, the program asked my students to do “ten frame addition.” It is a bit complicated at first so I wanted to make a game that would break it down for them and make it easier to understand. This is the game I came up with.

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Ten Frame Addition Game



bingo chips (or pennies)




Copy the game boards on card stock for durability.

Print a recording sheet for each student or pair.

Directions for Play

Give each student or pair of students a game board, 20 chips, two dice and a recording sheet.

Tell students to ignore the #6 on the die and to re-roll if they get a 6.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Ten Frame Addition

Players roll two dice, add the two numbers and put that many chips in the first ten frame (left). They then roll again and put the second number in the second ten frame (right).

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They then fill out the first part of the first box on the recording sheet as shown above.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Ten Frame Addition 2

Players then slide the chips from the first ten frame (left) down into the ten frame below. Then using the chips from the second ten frame (right), they fill the remaining empty boxes from the first ten frame to complete the ten frame and to make a 10.  They then slide the remaining chips to the last ten frame and fill in the next addition problem on the recording sheet as shown below.

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Finally, students complete the final part of the recording sheet which shows what the two addition problems equal.

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Students can play this game independently or with a partner. The game can also be played without the recording sheet at first and then when students are comfortable with the process, add it in!

This game is available at the following link:

Ten Frame Addition from BMTM

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