Yet another fantastic idea from one of my favorite sites, Picklebums. In the post, Drawing on Foil, Mama Picklebums
had her children draw on foil with Sharpies. What a genius idea! I knew that I had to do this with my boys. So I grabbed my beloved Sharpies and some foil and followed the directions in the post. My eldest loved this activity. He spent a long time drawing on the foil and creating different types of images. My youngest wanted nothing to do with. I think he was a bit confused as to why we were drawing on something we use to cook our food… 🙂 I loved it too. Perhaps more than my son….
Here is what we created:
Thanks for the inspiration Picklebums!
© Boy Mama Teacher Mama 2012
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This is so cool! I have never thought about doing this. This is definitely on our to-do list now!
Hi I am very interested in your site however, I can’t read any of your text over this blue and white background. I was not sure if your page was loading properly but it is the same everytime I try to view your post. Just thought I would let you know so you could check it out. thanks
Hi Tina, Try using another browser. This seems to be a loading problem on certain browsers. Stephanie