Teacher Mama: Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game {After School Linky}

Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game (featured)

I created this card game to help my students practice the concept of +1/-1. After creating this game, I added in a +5/-5 game and a +10/-10 game as well.  Played this with my first graders last week and they really liked it. It was especially helpful for some of my students who struggle with the concept. For my students who were ready for more, they played the +5/-5 version.  Each game includes a set of cards.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game


Print templates

Cut out cards

Print copies of recording sheets for students


Players place deck of cards face down. The first player draws a card, writes the number on the card in the “card” column then determines how much is one more and how much is one less. Player two then repeats the same steps.  Players should watch each other carefully and help when necessary.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Plus Minus Card Game

For my students who were struggling, I had them use a number line and a bingo chip. They put the bingo chip on the number and then moved it along the number line to help them come up with the correct answer.

Boy Mama Teacher Mama  Plus Minus Card Game 2

Khrys Bosland Fonts

This game is available at the following link:

Plus/Minus Card Games 

And now the linky…


After School Linky 2014

Love this idea from last week’s linky:

Exploring Lines from You Clever Monkey

Exploring Lines

The After School Link Up is a great place to share ideas and to find new ideas to do with your children after school or in your homeschool.  The After School Link Up goes live every Monday. So, if you are a blogger, an educator or just some one looking for some good ideas, be sure to stop by Boy Mama Teacher Mama (or the other co-hosts) on Mondays and see what others have to share.

We would love to have you link up your School-Age Post (Ages 5 and up) about your learning week after school including Crafts, Activities, Playtime and Adventures that you are doing to enrich your children’s lives after their day at school, homeschool or on the weekend! When linking up, please take a moment to comment on at least one post linked up before yours! By linking up you’re giving permission for us to share on our After School Pinterest Board or Feature on our After School Party in the upcoming weeks!

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17 thoughts on “Teacher Mama: Plus 1 Minus 1 Card Game {After School Linky}

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